You may wonder why many hemp products are more expensive than other eco-friendly raw materials.

Obviously, otherwise you wouldn't be on this page, but anyway, hemp can be expensive for many reason which we have listed for you here in this article.

Before I explain why hemp is often pricey, we want you to know it's our goal to get your the most cost effective raw hemp fiber and seed products.

The more we can source locally grown and processed hemp materials the better the pricing will get into the future.

Of course as the industry grows and we can scale the costs out this will help as well.

So what makes raw hemp materials so expensive?

  • Hemp in some respects is still a boutique/artisan industry, which means that smaller companies are doing the growing and processing of the seeds and fiber into the different products. So this means that since the supply is limited the price is typically higher which is normal for any industry.

  • Much of the hemp seed and fiber products are imported from other countries.

  • This can add on a lot of money to the supply chain for hemp products. You will often see import duties, customs fees, freight costs, tariffs etc when bringing hemp products from other countries.

There may be some other reasons why hemp is higher than other options, but as we mentioned we look forward to seeing hemp become more readily available and cost-effective so millions of others can start benefiting from the amazing value hemp products have to offer.