In short, sort of. Let me explain.

So as you've likely heard, hemp fabrics have been made for thousands of years. So are hemp fabrics being made in the USA?

Right now, the only hemp fabrics being made in the USA are artisan small scale one of a kind, or a select few knit fabrics that are being made from imported hemp yarn.

For example we offer these USA hemp knit fabrics made in the USA with imported hemp & hemp/organic cotton yarns.

The thing is the USA used to make its own hemp linens and canvases and other fabrics. But back in the 1940's and 50's a lot of the fabric manufacturing equipment was sent overseas and sold off to other countries.

So for the last 80+ years of hemp being demonized and made illegal, other countries have continued growing and processing hemp into textiles. A few of the well known countries producing hemp fabrics are Romania, China, Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Italy and India.

Now that industrial hemp is seen in the eyes of the government as a "legal crop", companies are researching and investing in the local USA hemp fabric supply chain. The big hindrance is, you guessed it, money. There are about eight or nice stages that hemp stalks have to go through in order to become fabric. Each one of those processes are done with a machine that is not cheap. Like in the tens of millions not cheap,for the proper equipment.

The markets need to be validated and supported in order for investors to fund the development of USA grown and Manufactured Hemp Fabrics.

So now you can see why it may be a few more years before we there is a commercially available large scale selection of USA grown and made hemp fabrics.

None-the-less, we are honored and thankful to be a part of this movement and the growth of such an important industry for our health and happiness on earth.