There are several types of Hemp Seeds that we offer.

This article will help clarify what the differences are between them.

First, there are 2 main types of seeds. Seed for Planting and Seeds for Eating or as food products.

With those two categories there are multiple options:

PLANTING SEEDS: These seeds are specifically for commercial farming purposes and are a higher value due to the premium genetics.

Planting Seeds for Fiber Product: These are seeds that product a long fiber stalk and are meant for woven applications such as rope, twine, fabrics etc...

Planting Seeds for Grain Production: These are seeds specifically for farming hemp to produce quality hemp grain seed for food applications.

Planting Seeds for CBD product: These seeds are going to be much higher on the Cannabinoid production and therefore will not be a good quality for fiber and seed production.

Keep in mind that there are some varieties of planting seeds that can be an all purposes crop or dual purpose crop, which means you can grow for the fiber and seeds, and if any CBD is present you could also extract that.

FOOD SEEDS: These seeds are specifically for consuming as a food product.

Whole Hemp Gain Seeds: Meant for consuming as a whole food product, or for sprouting micro greens/ hemp sprouts.

Hulled Hemp Hearts: Cannot be sprouted but are a raw delicious creamy nutty product for food applications.